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At the workshop held on 16 October 2024 at European Bioplastics in Brussels, European Bioplastics discussed the concepts of alternative feedstock with representatives of outstanding research and innovation projects and how biowaste can be successfully used for bioplastics production. In the past years, several projects funded by the Horizon Programme for Research and Innovation and the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking have been exploring ways to give residual and biowaste a second chance.

This workshop was the wrap up event of the EUBP talk series on Alternative Feedstock. The slides of the workshop are available too:

The following projects researched alternative feedstock for the production of biobased plastics and the recycling of bioplastics.

The white paper can be accessed here.

1st LUCRA Newsletter

The first issue of the LUCRA newsletter is published! Let us share with you what has happened in the past months of LUCRA and subscribe for future editions!

LUCRA General Assembly meeting in Turku, Finland

Turku, Finland – July 3, 2024 – At the beginning of July, the LUCRA project partners gathered in Turku for their third consortium meeting, hosted by project partner Boreal Bioproducts (Montinutra Ltd). The meeting served as a platform to update partners on the progress of the different work packages and to discuss the next steps.…

LUCRA Showcases Pioneering Contributions at the 32nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition

Marseille, France – June 27, 2024 – LUCRA, a Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) funded initiative in sustainable biochemical solutions, is proud to announce its significant participation in the 32nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE), held from June 24-27, 2024 in Marseille, France. This prestigious event, renowned as the leading platform for…

LUCRA stakeholder’s consultation survey! 

The stakeholder’s engagement is essential for the successful implementation of our project, for that reason, as a first consultation activity, the LUCRA consortium has developed an online survey for stakeholders (e.g. Industry, Research & Science, Public Authorities, Civil Society, etc.).   In this survey, you will be asked questions to help us gather insights on the…

LUCRA General Assembly Meeting in Madrid, Spain

From the 6th to 7th of February 2024, the LUCRA partners met in the beautiful city of Madrid (Spain) for their second project meeting in Month 8 of the project. The meeting was organized by the project partner FCC Medio Ambiente and took place in their headquarters in Las Tablas, Madrid. During the one-and-a-half-day meeting,…

Transforming Organic Waste

In July 2023, the first phase of the four-year Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) Project LUCRA kicked-off in Ghent. LUCRA aims to demonstrate a unique process to convert underutilized organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and wood waste into bio-based succinic acid. The project is set to provide the bio-based industry with…